where the grass is green, and the girls are pretty

seven, baby, seven

1, abandon the idea of ”guilty pleasure” – enjoy whatever you want and stop letting others make you feel like shit for it.

2, smile at yourself in the mirror. smile at other if you feel like it. own your smile and dont let anyone demand it from you.

3, feel free to be a bit of a bitch. sometimes it takes you places.

4, if someone makes assumptions about you, call them out on it.  don't leave room in your life for bigotry in any form.

5, try your hardest whenever possible. sometimes trying your hardest means something different than other days; thats okay.

6, dress how you want to dress. if someone has an issue with that, its not your responsibility. in fact,

7, you cant make everyone happy, so stick to making yourself happy. be friends with people who you trust. don’t make friends out of convenience. or do. don’t let anyone dictate your relationships. 

never try to fuck someones life with a lie, when yours can be destroyed with the truth

we suffer because we desire

i loved her, not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons

birthday girl

början på november

a friend told me i was delusional. i almost fell off my unicorn. 

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